Private Dog Training for a Yorkshire Terrier – “Johanna helped give me the tools to work with my aggressive little yorkie (that thought he was a rottweiler). I will always keep one eye on him but I now know what Luigi is capable of and what we learned will stay with us. You can teach an old dog new tricks!!!” – Sharon Maglietti with Luigi (Yorkshire Terrier)
Sharon came to us with much anxiety. Luigi was biting and barking aggressively at visitors that came to the home. The situation was dangerous even though Luigi was only a small Yorkshire Terrier. Sharon enrolled into our private dog training classes and invested much time learning with us. Most of the training in this case was training the owner. Sharon learned how to read dog behavior. She began to be able to tell when Luigi was stressed by the calming and stress signals that Luigi portrayed. Overtime this helped Sharon understand when Luigi was above threshold and how to reduce Luigi’s stress by asking Luigi to perform commands such as “leave it” and “come.” Overtime Sharon understood more about how to manage this behavior so that Luigi was not so overly stimulate and how to redirect Luigi’s behavior to a more calm response by requesting commands.