Four Legged Scholars LLC – Ravenna – Dog Training and Surrounding Areas
Are you struggling with a dog that barks often on leash walks? Does the barking make it hard for you to walk your dog? We know how difficult this feels. Let’s create more peaceful leash walks now. We are here to help.
Last week, I worked with Karen with her dog Cooper, who is a German Shepherd. She lives in Atwater and we met in Ravenna. Dog Training was a more bit difficult last week.
We met at Havre’s Woods Park and Cooper was a bit flooded. Cooper was so interested in the smells that he didn’t want to listen to any commands.
Karen said this was unusual and that she has never seen this problem. However, Karen lives in farm country so she doesn’t need to take her dog out all of the time.
Most dogs who are reactive on leash have some underlying anxiety issues. This was true for Cooper.
After doing some Ttouch and using some better treats, we were able to get Cooper to respond. There were also many dogs that arrived while we were at the park. This was not what we were expecting. So we weren’t prepared for that.
The best training happens when you learn from those “bad” training sessions. Re-evaluate. How can you do better next time?
Cooper needs better treats when we go to this dog park in Ravenna. Dog training with him will be more successful. He also needs more practice in this and other environments with many smells.
Lastly, we need to be more on watch and on alert at this park and new parks for dogs that might come around. We got too relaxed in predictable places.
Remember there will be many unpredictable places that you will take your dog and you need to have a training plan. It is best to be a distance from the triggers so that your dog can relax and learn.
If you do the above and practice counter conditioning, in time your dog will learn to be more quiet on leash around other dogs. I am excited to meet with Cooper again in Ravenna. Dog training has gone really well and today is our last session together.
We are meeting at this park once again. The owner has practiced here a few times this past week with more success. This time we will have better treats.
We will also start the training session with Ttouch and be ready for unexpected dogs. We also will be at a distance from the other dogs more easily because we know of their walking pattern and have thought things through.
Johanna Teresi, Ravenna Dog Trainer, Four Legged Scholars LLC, Ravenna, Dog Training
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