Four Legged Scholars LLC – Hiram Puppy Training and Surrounding Areas
Do you feel alone in training the family dog? Maybe you feel that your partner undoes all the training that you do?
We understand the stress and are here to help you create peace in your home.
Here are a few tips.
1.) The SCARF model is generally why most people get triggered. Remember your partner is NOT trying to trigger you.
So remember to not take it personally. The same is with your dog in Hiram puppy training. Your puppy isn’t trying to trigger you either.
Here is a link to read more about the SCARF model. Look for the article on SCARF.
2.) Reward your partner. Your partner thrives on positive feedback to feel good about changing any habits in his life. You are the same. Positive feedback can from yourself or from others. In this case, you will be giving it to your partner.
The same is also true in Hiram puppy training. Rewarding your puppy for doing the “right” behavior.
Start with noticing what your partner is doing “right” and make sure he gets acknowledged for that.
When you use praise use “process praise” rather just saying “awesome job.” Praise for the specific job well done. “Nice going at clicking at the right time. I can see the effort you are putting forth in getting our dogs to listen to you.”
Be specific at rewarding a certain process / action.
Stay away from criticism.
3.) Stick to just praise and and not taking things personal for awhile. Then move forward.
4.) Once you have mastered the above start having collaborative conversations on how you both can contribute to better dog behavior. Be clear on what you are agreeing to do and who is doing what. Keep it simple, fun, easy and successful for the both of you. Baby steps.
I hope this helps! Remember that Hiram puppy training takes time and training your partner also takes time as well. Learn to be a team and work together.
Johanna Teresi, Hiram Puppy Trainer, Four Legged Scholars LLC, Hiram Puppy Training
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